Gala Dinners & Award Ceremony Venues


Hosting a gala dinner, charity fundraiser or award ceremony is a fantastic way to bring people together for a fun and sociable evening. It’s also an opportunity for you and your business to make a fantastic impression among your attendees and delegates. But the truth is that finding the perfect venue for your business event can be a lot harder than it looks!

If you have any experience searching for the perfect venue for an event, then you know just how daunting, frustrating and time consuming it can be. And when it comes to making your gala dinners and awards ceremonies the perfect event, only the best venues will do! Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place here at Absolute Venues. No one is better placed to help you find the perfect venue for your next event.

There are a lot of different options to choose from. Fortunately, we work with venues across the UK and even abroad here at Absolute Venues. We’ve been an established name in the industry since 2002, and we’re proud to boast that our directory of trusted and renowned venues is now over 160,000 strong!

The team here are all well experienced industry professionals and are fully equipped to help you make your next event a huge success. Whether you need a really large venue for an absolutely huge gala dinner and charity fundraiser, or whether you’re looking for a smaller, more unique venue in your local city centre for a more low-key event, we can help you find what you need. We have a diverse range of elegant rooms and event spaces in our directory and we have all the experience to match your needs with the perfect place for your event to be a great success and unique experience.




    The Elle Style Awards

    Our service is incredibly easy and simple. All you need to do is get in touch and give us a clear idea of what kind of ideal venue you’re looking for, the needs and requirements of your event, your preferences, and as much additional information as you can. Then, our event specialists will do the rest.

    We’ll take your specifications and run through our wide directory to come up with a shortlist of only the very best venues for your event. Our service is here to make your life and your event management that bit easier. We guarantee that your shortlist will be compiled only of venues that match the needs and requirements you have given us. The best part about all of this? The service is completely free.

    That’s right: we are paid by the venue themselves so we don’t need to charge our customers anything whatsoever. In fact, when you choose Absolute Venues for our unique venue finding service, you might even benefit from improved rates and discounts – making the entire experience cheaper than it would be without us!


    Some Of The Best Reasons To Host An Award Ceremony & Gala Dinner

    Our dedicated events team and professional venue finders love awards ceremonies and gala dinners. They are an amazing way of inviting your guests to a gorgeous and sociable evening while building your branding and making a positive first impression. Some of the best reasons to host a gala dinner, charity fundraiser or awards ceremony include:

    • They make people feel recognised and valued – By its very nature, inviting people to an awards show and elegant dinner evening is a show of gratitude and recognition of the people in your business and industry. It’s the perfect way of showing that you recognise and award outstanding accomplishments and it motivates people to strive for the very best!
    • It’s an opportunity to celebrate – These special occasions and elegant events are a way of getting everybody together for an incredibly positive and fun experience! It gives people a chance to dress up, forget their day to day work, and socialise amongst one another while having a fun and uplifting time. Awards ceremonies and gala dinners are a powerful way to encourage and support your attendees!
    • They strengthen relationships – Being able to invite attendees from both within and outside your organisation is a chance to bring people together in a more relaxed and non-business environment. Every always relaxes a bit at these events, which means that people get to socialise properly, becoming closer and strengthening important bonds!

    Finding The Perfect Location For Your Event

    When it comes to organising a unique and charming event, all experienced event organisers know that one thing is important above all else – location! Whether you need somewhere within easy reach for local attendees or somewhere with good international transport links for overseas delegates, finding the perfect place for a gala dinner can be challenging!

    Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place! We have a directory of over 160,000 venues across the UK and abroad. Whether you need somewhere in central London near a particular iconic landmark for an exclusive and private party, or whether you need beautiful views for an ideal backdrop far away from any city centre, we can find you what you need.

    We work with venues in major cities across the UK, as well as working with venues across Europe and beyond. Whatever the location requirements of your ideal venue, we’ll be able to create a shortlist from our broad selection entirely compiled of interesting and unique venues in the perfect place for your event!

    On top of this, we’re even able to assist you in accommodating travelling attendees. Whether you’re inviting people to travel across the UK or even from abroad, you want your gala dinner and award ceremony to be as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. That’s why we will help you to arrange accommodation and hotel bookings, all as part of our phenomenal and unique free venue finding service!